Corona virus gave us time to explore why #representationmatters

My children and I make rice krispie treats a few times a year and every time we make, we talk about the white, male elves on the packaging. Due to corona virus, we finally have had the time to take action on our observations. My seven-year-old and four-year-old started this project by tracing the elves and creating modern version, based on their own styles of dress–and including girls and elves with different skin colors.
When we started talking about how to get Kellogg’s to actually consider our ideas and make a change, I mentioned creating an online petition, so that is what we did.
Please read and consider signing/sharing with your children!
Dear Kellogg’s Rice Krispies,
We think it’s not fair that Snap, Crackle, Pop are all men and white. So we designed a new version of Snap, Crackle, and Pop to include women/girls and people of color.
This is important because we want children eating Rice Krispies to see themselves when they are eating Rice Krispies and not everyone is white and not everyone is a boy/man.
Kellogg’s, we want you to look at our design and consider making a change to Snap, Crackle, and Pop to include everyone and people of all genders and skin colors.
For example, one of us writing is a 7-year-old girl and I don’t like seeing an advertisement where I am not included, and I think it’s the same for people with brown skin looking at an advertisement with only people with white skin. Plus, we think it’s much more interesting when advertisements show all kinds of people, not just white men.
Please listen to our concerns and be part of making the world better by showing all kinds of people in your advertisements.
Thank you.