Just When I Thought My Daughter Wasn’t Listening, Raising Race Conscious Children

Just when I thought my daughter wasn’t listening…

Last month I had a stomach flu and succumbed to my daughter’s request for more minutes than usual of watching videos. First, we watched “Los pollitos dicen,”, a song about chicks and a mama hen.

A Passover Story for my Three-Year-Old , Raising Race Conscious Children

A Passover story for my three-year-old

There was once a little baby boy named Moses. Moses was Jewish and he lived in Egypt where the king, who was called the Pharaoh, did not like Jewish babies.

"If they're both straight" and other thoughts

“If they’re both straight” and other thoughts

by Sachi Feris When my daughter was an infant, a fellow new mom once joked that my daughter and her son (also an infant) were on their first “date.” “If they’re both straight,” I countered, and she laughed. With race,…

Elmo and Whoopi chat about race

Elmo and Whoopi chat about race

by Sachi Feris I have always loved Elmo…. and I have always been a Whoopi Goldberg fan. So, from time to time, I watch Elmo and Whoopi’s exchanges on Sesame Street about their different skin colors and hair/fur. When I first…

What I do when I confuse two people of color (and what I say to my daughter)

What I do when I confuse two people of color (and what I say to my daughter)

by Sachi Feris When my daughter was about a year-and-a-half, we were standing outside of our building and my daughter pointed to a boy about 30 feet away and asked me, “Julien?” referring to a friend from her daycare. This…

I want to teach my daughter that fairness and equity don’t mean that everyone gets the same thing

I want to teach my daughter that fairness and equity don’t mean that everyone gets the same thing

by Sachi Feris My daughter and I have been reading the book, “Miss Nelson is Missing,” which features an infamously mischievous class. We read about students throwing paper planes in the air, and that they were “the worst behaved class…

My Baby Definitely Sees Race

My Baby Definitely Sees Race

by Sachi Feris My daughter has been playing with my Fisher Price vintage people from the 1970’s since she was about a year old. My mom had saved my figurines from my childhood but they were all White—so I went…


“That’s not fair!” and the concept of protest

by Sachi Feris One of my daughter’s favorite activities is playing with her vintage Fisher Price people from the 1970’s. At one-and-a-half, she spent happy hours placing them in and out of her vintage school bus…but it proved to be…

“Is that your Mom?”—Children’s questions about families

“Is that your Mom?”—Children’s questions about families

by Sachi Feris Whenever my daughter sees a seemingly unaccompanied child (for example, a five-year-old who is half a block ahead of their adult on their scooter), her immediate question is: “Where is that child’s mommy or papi?” Her assumption…

What I say about a children’s book when all the characters are White

What I say about a children’s book when all the characters are White

by Sachi Feris Among our children’s books, we have a dozen or so of my childhood favorites that my mom saved. One such classic is “Too Many Mittens” by Florence and Louis Slobodkin, published in 1958. This story is about twin…