Why I use the words ’Black’ and ‘White’ versus ‘brown’ and ‘peach’

Why I use the words ’Black’ and ‘White’ versus ‘brown’ and ‘peach’

by Sachi Feris In Raising Race Conscious Children’s interactive workshops, participants practice explicitly naming race. I have gotten a lot of questions about the utility of using the words “Black” and “White” as part of the strategy to name race…

Talking about Black Lives Matter to White Children

Talking about Black Lives Matter to White Children

by guest blogger Amy Dudley This past Martin Luther King Jr. Day my five-year-old daughter and I attended a day long Freedom Camp organized by some long-time educators, a passionate, intergenerational, multiracial group that included pioneers in anti-bias education, and…

How to help children feel it is “all right” to ask questions about differences

How to help children feel it is “all right” to ask questions about differences

by Sachi Feris When I was little, my parents had friends with a daughter named Emily who had suffered brain damage during childbirth. As a result, Emily could not sit up or talk. I remember, when we visited, feeling uncomfortable…

When race and gender intersect: What I want my daughter to know about beauty

When race and gender intersect: What I want my daughter to know about beauty

by Sachi Feris On a trip to Walgreens, my daughter found some Doc McStuffins stickers—a Disney television series featuring an African-American girl who wants to be a doctor. I had purchased Doc McStuffins playing cards for my daughter a few…

“Charity” is not enough: Why I want my daughter to be an activist

“Charity” is not enough: Why I want my daughter to be an activist

by Sachi Feris As a teacher in various New York City private schools, I always felt uncomfortable about the endless drives for “charity” intended to “help other people.” Rarely, were students helped to see these “others” as real people with…

Black is not a bad word: Why I don’t talk in code with my children

Black is not a bad word: Why I don’t talk in code with my children

by guest blogger Adelaide Lancaster I’m a St. Louis mom, a New York entrepreneur, and mom to three children (ages 4, 3, and 1). I spend much of my time trying to raise these children to be big-hearted, just, and…

What Malala taught my two-year-olds

What Malala taught my two-year-olds

by guest blogger Melissa Le I am a classroom teacher in a pre-school in Brooklyn, NY. I am Vietnamese-American—my parents are from Vietnam. For most of the children in my class, this is their first time in a school environment….

Mother’s Day Action Toolkit for Raising Race Conscious Children


Raising Race Conscious Children is honored to have partnered with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) to create this Mother’s Day Action Toolkit. Below, you will find book suggestions and talking points/questions you can ask your children as you take action for racial justice on Mother’s Day.

Black Lives Matter, Raising Race Conscious Children

Parenting and Baltimore: Where to begin

During the weeks after the Michael Brown and Eric Garner non-indictments, various White friends asked me whether I thought they should be talking about these issues with their school-aged children. My daughter was just two-and-a-half at the time and I was not talking about it with her…but to my friends with four and five-year-olds, I answered unequivocally “yes.”

“Madeline” by Ludwig Bemelmans, Raising Race Conscious Children

“Madeline,” race, and the problem with ‘good versus bad’

A friend of the family gave my daughter the book “Madeline” by Ludwig Bemelmans along with a Madeline doll. We looked at the Madeline doll together and noted that she has red hair. As we opened the book and started to read, we looked for Madeline but couldn’t find her at first. We then realized that she has blonde hair on some pages and red hair on other pages.